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Goodreads Feed Filter: Filter the Goodreads Activity Feed for Reviews, Ratings, and Book Additions

Goodreads Feed Filter is a free Chrome add-on developed by Herman. It falls under the category of Browsers and is specifically categorized as an Add-ons & Tools subcategory. This handy extension allows users to filter their Goodreads activity feed to display only reviews, ratings, and book additions.

If you have a large friends list on Goodreads and find that your feed is cluttered with comments on other people's status updates, this extension is the perfect solution. It filters out these unnecessary updates, ensuring that you see only the updates that are most relevant to you. Whether you're primarily interested in seeing what books others are reading, rating, or adding to their shelves, Goodreads Feed Filter helps streamline your feed to provide a more focused and personalized experience.

With Goodreads Feed Filter, you can easily customize your feed to display only the updates that matter most to you. Say goodbye to the noise and distractions of irrelevant activity and enjoy a more streamlined and enjoyable Goodreads experience.

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